Does your heart yearn for a way to find instant inner peace anytime day or night? The path to find lasting rest of soul grows from a steady diet of transformational thinking and practice. The gateway to inner life change starts with the secrets uncovered here.

Our world contains endless opportunity for heartache, confusion, lingering doubts, fear, anxiety, depression, and a host more mental and emotional struggles.

As a follower of Christ, do you wonder why you haven’t gained more victory over these things? Or maybe there’s a nagging pattern of behavior you know is wrong, but you can’t seem to find a way to overcome. The pace to victory is revealed in these pages. Changing from the inside out uncovers our true identity and reveals the deepest meaning for life.  

The reader is equipped to:

     Overcome fear, anxiety, depression, and mental struggles

     Discover new meaning for life, and build resilience for storms of life

     Leave behind bitterness, resentment, and blame

     Enjoy the fruit of forgiveness, and help make it accessible to others

     Lead with greater confidence from a place of rest of soul

Why I wrote the book called PACE to Peace

Our soul can be “at rest” instantaneously when we cling to the words of Jesus “Come to me all who are weary ….” in Matthew11:28-29.  In a world where instant satisfactions abound, ironically, constant struggles can also create lingering doubts, fear, anxiety, depression, and a host more mental and emotional disturbances.  

For most people, these problems can be overcome through a process of transformation as a follower of Christ. Changing behaviors through self-discipline may work for a while, but changing from the inside out uncovers our true identity, and reveals the deepest meaning for life.  The secrets to transformational healing and whole-hearted living are unpacked here.

Don’t allow the crazy pace of this world to rob you of the peace God has for you.  Restore peace, by placing these steps in your P-A-C-E.  

  P – Prepare your heart

  A – Accept your broken condition and limitations.

  C – Cooperate with God through surrender

  E – Engage inner change as a lifestyle

Note: An ebook version of the book is available at your favorite ebook store.

The author is available for speaking and teaching on the topics addressed in the book. Contact the author to schedule. Below is a link to a slide show presentation the author did for a recent Christian Association for Psychological Studies (CAPS) conference.