General Application

Articles related to applying transformational living in general, including how it impacts world view, community (family, education, media, business, arts, and government).

picture of mountain path in winter with another mountain peak in background

Performance Orientation

Is great performance always a grand thing? Certainly, trying to achieve our greatest God-given potential is a healthy desire. A little further down, I will show an example of how striving to do well can backfire when proper motives and core beliefs are not in tact. First, a little background             Often in my articles, […]

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photo of mountains from Canadian Rockies

Train Your Brain To Crave Health

            About a decade ago, I became aware of a pilot study published in the journal Nutrition & Diabetes. Scientists say that changing your eating behavior can actually change how your brain reacts to high-calorie and low-calorie foods.  It may be possible to rewire your brain so that it wants — even craves, healthier foods. 

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book cover for Escaping the Pain of Offense: Empowered to Forgive from the Heart

Escaping the Pain of Offense

Note:  This article includes much of the contents of Chapter One of the book Escaping the Pain of Offense: Empowered to Forgive from the Heart.             God’s Creation, including the human race He placed on earth as made in His own image, is an awesome declaration of purpose and destiny. Each person is created with

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photo of site of ancient tabernacle placement in Shiloh, Israel

Conversion AND Convergence

A word caught my attention recently, that describes well the process of transformation and sanctification that a committed follower of Jesus should experience. The word is convergence.             So what does the dictionary say it means?  Webster’s 1828 defines converge as, “To tend to one point; to incline and approach nearer together, as two lines

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scenery photo with distorted sunlight shining through trees

Cognitive Distortions

            There are a number of flawed thinking patterns the field of psychology refers to as cognitive distortions. A cognitive distortion is a thought that is not based in reality. Thoughts not based in reality create false assumptions, misperceptions, and inaccurate beliefs.  False beliefs and lie-based thinking can take many forms. Believing things that aren’t

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